Adult DBT Skills Courses

Learn DBT skills from home.

Our online DBT skills classes are taught live by experienced DBT instructors. Signup today or contact us to learn more about how DBT skills can help you reach your goals.

Our complete DBT Skills Course Sequence consists of three courses: Emotion Regulation (9 weeks), Distress Tolerance (8 weeks), and Interpersonal Effectiveness (7 weeks). Note: These courses can be completed in any order. Completing all three courses takes about six months.

DBT skills classes meet once a week for an hour and a half. In a virtual, classroom setting, students learn basic DBT skills from qualified DBT instructors.

These courses are for persons age 18 and older.

DBT Skills Course Sequence

  • Emotion Regulation

    March 2025

    Understand Your Emotions
    Build Healthy Habits
    Increase Self Control
    Decrease Suffering

  • Interpersonal Effectiveness

    May 2025

    Build Healthier Relationships
    Reduce Conflict
    Ask For What You Need
    Learn How and When To Say “no”

  • Distress Tolerance

    Summer 2025

    Regain Control
    Relax and Soothe
    Weather Difficult Moments
    Radically Accept What You Cannot Change

Course Information

The next course is: Interpersonal Effectiveness

Start Date: Begins May 20th

Length: 7 weeks

Cost: $700 (prepay and save $100) or $100 weekly

Course Time: Tuesday AM

  • 8:00am-9:30am Pacific

  • 9:00am-10:30am Mountain

  • 10:00am-11:30am Central

  • 11:00am-12:30pm Eastern

Register for the Next Course

Interpersonal Effectiveness
Sale Price: $600.00 Original Price: $700.00

Register for our 7-week DBT skills course on interpersonal effectiveness.

Save $100 by prepaying for the course upfront.

Interpersonal Effectiveness (Pay Weekly)
$100.00 every week for 7 weeks

Register for our 7-week DBT skills course on interpersonal effectiveness.

This is our pay weekly option: 7 weekly payments of $100. Payments begin when signing up, not when class begins.

Register for the
Complete DBT Skills Course Sequence

Register for the Complete DBT Skills Course Sequence, and save $400 over paying for each course separately.

Our complete Complete DBT Skills Course Sequence consists of three topics: Emotion Regulation (9 weeks), Distress Tolerance (8 weeks), and Interpersonal Effectiveness (7 weeks). Note: These courses can be completed in any order.

After purchase, you can attend the next scheduled course.

Please note:

  • Please contact us before purchase if you do not know what to expect. We can discuss whether our courses are right for you. We are unable to give refunds after any attendance.

  • If you cannot attend the next course in the sequence you can defer your attendance for a later class, as long as you complete all the courses within 24 months.

  • This package is non-transferable after attendance.

Complete DBT Skills Course Sequence
Sale Price: $2,000.00 Original Price: $2,100.00

Includes attendance in all three courses in our Complete DBT Skills Course Sequence: Emotion Regulation (9 weeks), Distress Tolerance (8 weeks), and Interpersonal Effectiveness (7 weeks).

Save $400 over prepaying for each class separately.

You may attend the next scheduled course. If you take each course, that would take about 6 months. However, you may defer subsequent courses as necessary as long as you complete all courses within 24 months. This package is non-transferable after any attendance.